Office Organizers
Clutter is the physical manifestation of indecision so when paper crosses your desk, make a decision ~ Holly Uverity
what we do
how we do it
who we are
contact us

In today’s highly competitive business environment, it is essential that time and space are maximized.  For many business people, that is easier said than done.  While successful in their chosen fields, many professionals are at a loss when it comes to creating systems so their own offices run efficiently and truly reflect the quality of the service or product they provide.

Founded in 1993, Office Organizers is a full service productivity consulting and training firm and works with business people to create solutions to their organizational challenges. 

We believe that becoming better organized means different things to different people.
  We are committed to helping each individual reach his or her own personal goals.

We believe that organization is a skill that can be taught.
  We are committed to teaching our clients new methods, sharpening skills and creating innovative solutions so they not only get organized but stay organized.

We believe in preserving our environment.
  We are committed to recycling and reusing

We believe in supporting the business community. We are members of:  Golden Circle Logo 

Houston Business Show PTAC  LNH

Holly UverityHolly Uverity is the founder of Office Organizers.  She is recognized as a leader in the industry and is the founding president of the Houston chapter of NAPO, the National Association of Professional Organizers.  Holly has served in leadership positions throughout her career and is committed to her clients, her industry, her company and her community.




What's holding
you back?

Woman with PDA

“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”

~ Peter Drucker