Office Organizers
Clutter is the physical manifestation of indecision so when paper crosses your desk, make a decision ~ Holly Uverity
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Expert Holly Uverity Says Root of Disorganization is Indecision read the article

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80% of papers that are filed are never referenced again.  Rent of the space the file cabinets occupy, the cabinets themselves, and filing supplies all cost money.

85% of the information that businesses need to operate does not fall into structured formats.  Instead it exists in a wide range of formats and employees spend roughly 25% - 35% of their time looking for the information they need to do their jobs.

96% of business people are frustrated by their company's information management.

Two thirds of business managers surveyed reported tension with colleagues, loss of job satisfaction and strained personal relationships as a result of information overload.

Office Organizers provides solutions to its clients' organizational needs. 

Our clients are individuals, departments or companies of any size and we love working with entrepreneurs.  We teach new methods, sharpen skills and create innovative ways to manage space and information.

When you are frustrated by the way your office feels or looks; when you believe you have lost control over your desk, office or time; when you haven't found the organizing system that works for you, call us.  We can help

Clients of Office Organizers enjoy:

                 • Standardized systems throughout their offices
                 • Uncluttered work environments
                 • Time off with their families
                 • Decreased stress
                 • Reading for pleasure
                 • Leaving their offices on time
                 • Staying in contact with important people
                 • Increased space



What's holding
you back?

Businessman Smiling

"Science is organized knowledge.  Wisdom is organized life."

~ Emmanuel Kant